The Battle for Chrysalia


The Battle for Chrysalia

Publisher Gameforge has today thrown open the gates to a new region for Runes of Magic players, Chrysalia. The region was shaped by the power of the four elements and is home to a new raid instance, the Kulech Bones Nest. In this challenging dungeon, groups of up to twelve players can enter into battle against belligerent ant creatures, gruesome maggots and an evil ant queen. The latest episode of the RoMcast is also out today and shows scenes from the region, giving a closer insight into the new content.
Chrysalia lies in the north of the Taborean continent, a region carved by deep canyons that can only be traversed using the rickety bridges swaying above the drops. The region is inhabited by two ant-like races, the Garon and the Kulech. The Garon are peaceable sorts and friendly to adventurers; the Kulech however, are to be feared and only approached if you are well equipped and prepared for a savage battle. The path to the Bones Nest instance will lead players by the serene Sanctuary of Balance, past mysterious investigation camps and production plants, through to the bloody battlefield. This is where the best of the best come to take on the Ant Queen and her hordes of minions.
Das Flythrough-Video gibt einen weiteren Eindruck von der Landschaft, die Abenteurer ab heute erkunden können.
