RoM-Style of the Week #5 – Part 1


RoM-Style of the Week #5 – Part 1

In Part One I will show you four skins at once, three female ones and a male skin. In Part Two I'll show you male skins so there's something for everyone.

My Talomo Skin

For my Talomo skin set you'll need Blake's Leather Hat, Talomo's Shirt, Talomo's Gloves and Sidaar's Boots. Find those from the bosses Boulder Sidaar, Loyal Talomo, Lookout Luke and the final boss, proud Snow Blake. I really enjoy this skin set because back in the days as Treasure Trove was still a really hard-to-beat endgame instance my friend Aimles protectet my little Saylem in Treasure Trove so I could complete my quests, wearing this exact skins. So this set is "design by Aimles". I only added the leather hat and a different color for you 😉


I have a special skin for female characters who'd like to show some skin:

My Sidaar Skin

You'll need Sidaar's Leg Protectors and Talomo's Boots from the Treasure Trove bosses. Forest Temple Helmet or Rare Forest Temple Helmet drops from mobs in Northern Janost Forest or you might get it for cheap in the auction house. Medusa's Gloves are from good ol' Heart of the Ocean boss Geba. And finally, the Demon Lady Dress is available through the item shop.


My Snow Blake Skin

Ever wanted to look like the proud Snow Blake, the last boss from Treasure Trove? We have the ultimate skins for you to achieve it. You will need items from the bosses in Treasure Trove … and surely some patience until everything has dropped. In detail this means you need these items: Blake's Leather Hat, Blake's Leather Shirt, Blake's Pants, Blake's Shoes. Get those items and you'll look just like Snow Blake.

My Blake's Orient

And just before we're done … the promised skin for male characters. I named this skin "Blake's Orient". Reminds me of a gypsy hand reader, but deep in his heart he's looking for the love of his life. Grab White Formal Men's Shoes from "White Wedding Set" and Crimson Nighthawk Gloves. Add Oriental Traditional Wedding Pants. You' find all three parts in the item shop. The other skins you'll need can be obtained from Treasure Trove bosses or trash mobs, which includes these skins: Pirate Bandana, Blake's Leather Shirt, Bone Spike Shoulder Pads.

Little hint: Farm all parts from Treasure Trove first, then assemble all the parts according to my screenshots.

That's all for part one and part two is just around the corner…is it? No it isn't, but you would like it that way, huh? 😉

See you soon



My dyeing tips:

Talomos Skin
Item Main color
Red, Green, Blue
  Secondary color
Red, Green, Blue
Blake's Leather Hat 9, 103, 95   255, 0, 67  
Talomo's Shirt 255, 0, 45   0, 103, 100  
Talomo's Gloves 0, 87, 83   255, 0, 59  
Sidaar's Boots 51, 49, 45   51, 49, 45  


Sidaar Skin
Item Main color
Red, Green, Blue
  Secondary color
Red, Green, Blue
Forest Temple Helmet 103, 47, 0   122, 86, 42  
Demon Lady Dress (Female) 93, 61, 24   255, 149, 74  
Sidaar's Leg Protectors 255, 123, 0   255, 169, 0  
Medusa's Gloves 255, 135, 0   110, 67, 0  
Talomo's Boots 255, 147, 64   255, 136, 21  


Snow Blake
Item Main color
Red, Green, Blue
  Secondary color
Red, Green, Blue
Blake's Leather Hat Original color Original color
Blake's Leather Shirt Original color Original color
Blake's Pants Original color Original color
Blake's Shoes Original color Original color


Blake's Orient
Item Main color
Red, Green, Blue
  Secondary color
Red, Green, Blue
Pirate Bandana 255, 89, 0   68, 27, 9  
Blake's Leather Shirt 107, 21, 0   62, 23, 0  
Oriental Traditional Wedding Pants (Male) 255, 255, 255   62, 23, 0  
Bone Spike Shoulder Pads 255, 48, 0   255, 64, 0  
Crimson Nighthawk Gloves 255, 5, 0   255, 14, 0  
White Formal Men's Shoes 107, 28, 1   86, 27, 0  
