Patchnotes – Chapter V: Patch 5.0.0


Patchnotes – Chapter V: Patch 5.0.0

New Content

  • New Zone: Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan
    New Zone: Yrvandis Hollows (31)
    New Instance: Aeternal Circle
    New Instance: Taffrock Southern District


  • New Race – Dwarves


  • New Classes- Champion & Warlock


  • Festival – Craft Festival


  • 3rd Class Equipment Swap


  • Adjustments to Level-up Process (Lv 45-55)


  • Siege War: Adjustments to the Badges of the Trial rewards and DOT effected on the buildings.


  • Adjustments to the Visdun Fortress battlefield


  • Damage Reduction in Battlefield changed from 50% to 90%


  • Adjustments to Battlefield: required amount of players to start combat; resurrection buff.

Mistakes/Bugs That Were Corrected


  • Now the number of the DOT effects will be correctly displayed above players or monsters.


  • Added information to the description of the following items:
    “In the process of refining, there is a chance that the upgrade process will fail. In this case, the power level may drop, but the weapon will remain at least at power level +1.”


  • Star Jewel – Level 1
  • Star Jewel – Level 2
  • Star Jewel – Level 3
  • Moon Jewel – Level 1
  • Moon Jewel – Level 2
  • Moon Jewel – Level 3
  • Sun Jewel – Level 1
  • Sun Jewel – Level 2
  • Sun Jewel – Level 3

Now, the items that disappear when players change the zone won’t disappear after a channel switch.


  • The deleted friend characters won’t appear as “unknown target” on the house friend list now.


  • Fixed the bug that the following relationship buffs erase the effect of the Invisibility Potions:


  • Relationship: Friends

Encouragement I – X


  • Relationship: Family members

Blood is Thicker Than Water I – X


  • Relationship: Master and disciple

Guiding Light I – X
Wise Teachings I – X


  • Relationship: Lovers

Love is in the Air I – X

  • Relationship: Marriage partners

Everlasting Fidelity I – X
Our Very Own Love Story I – X


  • Adjustments to the “Battle” button in the upper right corner of the game interface: Left-click to open Battlefield Queue, and right-click to check the Battlefield Situation while in battle.


  • PVP

Siege War:


  • Now when a player is killed, his nearby enemies will obtain Kills.
  • Adjustments to the Siege War reward system according to performance in combat to encourage players to focus on victory.

Arena and Battlefield:


  • Adjustments to the Arena and Battlefield Queue: Starting from level 30, every 10 levels will be considered as a range.
  • The Battlefield or Arena will be automatically closed when the total amount of players in combat is less than 80% or the difference in size of two teams is greater than one player.
  • The resurrection protection in the Arena and Battlefield won’t disappear when riding a mount or casting war preparation skills.
  • The resurrection protection in the Arena and Battlefield will disappear after a certain time period, but it lasts at least 10 seconds.
  • The Visdun Fortress is now a one-on-one battlefield.


  • Reconstruction of the following buildings in the Guild Castle. Now they should be immune to all physical and magical damage over time.

    • Guild Castle Throne
    • Gate
    • Academy
    • Field
    • Farm
    • Forge
    • Guard Tower
    • Library
    • Processing Factory
    • Stable
    • Drill Ground
    • Lumber Yard
    • Arsenal
    • Tower of Invincible Attack
    • Tower of Perfect Defense
    • Tower of Rapid Growth
    • Tower of Increased Learning
    • Tower of Magic Protection
    • Tower of Mystic Fortune


  • When the Knight skill Hall of Dead Heroes enters CD, the Warrior skill Blasting Cyclone won’t also enter a 30-minute CD anymore.


  • When the Druid/Warden skill Essence Extraction enters CD, the Druid/Scout skill Healing Arrows won’t also enter a CD anymore.


  • Now the Warden/Rogue elite skill Thorn Upgrade increases the damage dealt by Thorny Vine as it should.


  • Fixed the bug that the damage dealt by Charged Chop, Disarmament Arrow, Thorny Vine and Stone Scale Blade can get through the wall during the guild war.


  • Updated the Jewels sold by NPCs Audrey Habin and Alice Habin.

    Jewels for level 71-80: Star Jewel – Class VI, Moon Jewel – Class VI, and Sun Jewel – Class VI.
    +7 to +12 Advanced Jewels for level 71-80: Advanced Star Jewel – Class VI, Advanced Moon Jewel – Class VI, and Advanced Sun Jewel – Class VI.


  • The new items are categorised as weapon, armor, and accessory jewels and can be purchased in the shop:


  • Weapon Jewels:

Star Jewel – Basic, Star Jewel – Class I to VI, and Advanced Star Jewel – Class VI.


  • Armor Jewels:

Moon Jewel – Basic, Moon Jewel – Class I to VI, and Advanced Moon Jewel – Class VI.


  • Accessory Jewels:

Sun Jewel – Basic, Sun Jewel – Class I to VI, and Advanced Sun Jewel – Class VI.

  • Monster Cards:
  • Deleted the following cards:

    • Card of the Berhu
    • Card of the Croso Pango
    • Card of the Depraved Skeletal Spider
    • Card of the Giant Battle Wolf
    • Card of the Ice Dwarf Guard Captain
    • Card of the Ice Dwarf Excavator
    • Card of the Moonshadow Sharpro
    • Card of the Thick Shell
    • Card of the Wild Springbok
    • Card of the Kobold Mage
    • Card of the Leaf-Nosed Bat
    • Card of the Wandering Carrion


  • The following cards have been correctly sorted to their corresponding monsters as one of the drop items:


  • Card of the Armored Fogur Beast
  • Card of the Armored Fogur Beast Tamer
  • Card of Bonebreaker
  • Card of the Earth Giant Soldier
  • Card of the Fearless Ice Dwarf
  • Card of the Feather Crystal Cavy
  • Card of the Fogur Battle Beast
  • Card of the Fogur Battle Beast Tamer
  • Card of Griffith Blackstar the Corrupted Centau
  • Card of the Cruel Ice Dwarf Soldier
  • Card of the Ice Dwarf Envoy of Elements
  • Card of the Ice Dwarf Envoy of Souls
  • Card of the Ice Dwarf Killer
  • Card of the Ice Dwarf Porter
  • Card of the Ice Dwarf Recruit
  • Card of the Ice Dwarf Slaughterer
  • Card of the Ice Dwarf Treader
  • Card of the Ice Dwarf Worker
  • Card of the Water Crystal Cavy
  • Card of Tak Modun
  • Card of Seris Kodun
  • Card of Saerzhate Kayen


  • Changed the drop item of the Magic Iceshell Guardian from Card of the Ice Dwarf Priest to Card of the Magic Iceshell Guardian.
  • Now the Enchanted Zombie will drop the Card of the Enchanted Zombie, and it will be placed in the item slot correctly.
  • Changed the Crasset Hairyfoot’s drop card from Card of Mula Nail to Card of Crasset Hairyfoot.
  • Card of the Ancient Giant Wolf is a rare card, and can only be obtained when the corresponding quest has been completed.
  • Adjustments to the functions of the newbie pet for the Shadowforge Dwarf race in 5.0.0:

    • Adds notifications for suggested monster levels as the Shadowforge Dwarf levels up from level 1 to 20.
    • Displays information about world search when the all classes of the character have reached level 4.
    • Removed the feature that the character can talk to the newbie pet when summoned. This is to avoid that the player could click on the pet accidently when he wants to click on the quest NPC.
    • Removed the Newbie tips and the option of selecting the Atonement Vouchers as well. Now the character will obtain 1 Atonement Voucher when logging in for the first time that day while his character’s primary class is between level 11 and 30.
  • Invisibility Potion: Now when using the potion after the Druid/Warden skill Grace of the Forest is cast, the effect of the potion will last until the effect time is up. Previously the effect would wear off a few seconds after the skill was cast.
  • Fixed the bug in the preview of the Stormforce Snowman – Pet Egg (Permanent).
  • Fixed the bug that the following skills would be recorded twice in the Combat Log:

    • Warrior: Open Flank
      Scout/Warrior: Accurate Targeting
      Rogue: Sneak Attack
      Rogue/Warlock: Soul Agility
      Priest: Amplified Attack, Grace of Life
      Warden: Heart of the Oak, Movement Restriction
      Druid: Concentration Prayer, Rockslide
      Druid/Warrior: Awakening of the Wild, Nourish
      Druid/Warden: Mysterious Grace


  • The icons of the following skills are displayed correctly now:
    Priest/Rogue: Infectious Wound
    Priest/Mage: the Electric Shock state caused by Lightning Rod
    Warden/Warrior: Pulse Mastery
  • Scout skill ‘Snipe’ now has a correct display on Elven Females.
  • Scout/Mage elite skill ‘Blazing Energy’ now correctly triggers ‘Fireball’ when using ‘Wind Arrows’
  • Stuck Report now also functions in Fireboot Underground Fortress.
  • Carpentry recipes ‘Recipe – Rare Harlan Catapult’ and ‘Recipe – Rare Sunset Staff’ are now correctly sold at the Carpentry NPC’s and not at the Blacksmithing NPC’s.
  • When a Warden Pet now kills the bosses in Forsaken Abbey, the required keyitems will now be spawned in the players backpack.
  • Upon completing the Quest ‘The Great Skill of Transport’ , the transport points will not be reset.
  • When using recall under the effect of ‘Armed Guard Costume’ recall now correctly activates.
  • NPC ‘Lieve’ in Silverspring now also allows transport to Hall of the Eye of Wisdom.
  • Several fences in Lands of Malovence are now no longer floating in the air.
  • Title ‘Heart of the Executioner’ will no longer be gained by completing only 2 of the 3 required Quests.
  • The Energy Medium from the Royals’ Refugee now spawns again and the event can be completed again.
  • The following spells now also remove the effect of PK Protection: Group Heal & Soul Source.
  • Fixed a set of mobs in Autoliano Vulcano which had an instant respawn.
  • Fixed an issue when you would kill Masso, Ordig and Gorn in Cyclops Lair too fast they would respawn.
  • The Bug Caves in Origin no longer contain any loot.
  • Fixed several spots in Ystra Highlands with an incorrect resurrection point upon death.
  • NPC ‘Daris’ should no longer show a Quest available even though she didn’t offer a Quest.
  • The maximum amount of Chat Tabs is now set on 7, an 8th chat tab can be created and will show as …
  • Fixed an issue if too many stats were applied to an item, several textlines disappeared.
  • The portal in Dungeon of Dalanis at Maxim Erekat III now asks if you want to leave the instance.
  • New Pets: Players can obtain new pets (Called Constellation Pets) during the regular events.

For more information how to get a Constellation Pet talk to “Norah Kalesy” in front of Varanas City.

  • When summoning the Constellation Pet in its newborn stage for the first time that day, you will receive the effects of the Star Spirit Blessing: for 3 hours, increases XP and TP obtained in battle by 20% as well as item drop rate by 20%.
  • When summoning the Constellation Pet in its adult stage for the first time that day, you will receive the effect you previously chose when using this item for the first time. The effect will last 3 hours.


  • Increases item drop rate – 50% – Star Amulet of Fortune
  • Increase XP gained in battle – 30% – Star Amulet of Rage
  • Increases max. HP and MP – 5% – Star Amulet of Strength
  • Increases TP gained in battle – 5% – Star Amulet of Talent
  • Increases all attributes – 2% – Star Amulet of Ability
  • Increases physical and magical defenses – 3% – Star Amulet of Defense
  • When summoning the Constellation Pet in its legendary stage for the first time that day, you will receive the effect you previously chose when using this item for the first time. The effect will last 3 hours.


  • Increases item drop rate – 75% – Star Amulet of Fortune
  • Increases XP gained in battle – 40% – Star Amulet of Rage
  • Increases max. HP and MP – 7% – Star Amulet of Strength
  • Increases TP gained in battle – 10% – Star Amulet of Talent
  • Increases all attributes – 3% – Star Amulet of Ability
  • Increases physical and magical defenses – 5% – Star Amulet of Defense
  • Increases physical and magical critical hit rate – +120 points – Star Amulet of Fortitude
  • Increases XP and TP obtained by completing quests – 10% – Star Amulet of Potential
  • Reduces damage dealt by other players – 10% – Star Amulet of ProtectionARY

Summer Event Festival Overview (Crafting Festival)

  • Festival Activities conducted in Zone 2 and 15
  • Festival Manager NPCs will be located in: Varanas and Dalanis City
  • 5 Main Festival Event Tasks
  • 6 Sub Event Task
  • Reward NPC in Varanas City and Dalanis City

Helping Hand of the Craftsmen

  • Event type: craft items
  • Start location: Varanas City
  • Event location: Varanas City
  • 8 timeslots each day: 12:20 am, 3:20 am, 6:20 am , 9:20 am, 12:20 pm, 3:20 pm, 6:20 pm, 9:20 pm
  • a broadcast will be sent out when the event starts
  • Event ends after 30 minutes
  • Event Target: assist the Craftsmen

The Great Production Leap

  • Event type: level up crafting skills
  • Start location: Dalanis City
  • Event location: Dalanis City
  • Event Target: increase crafting skills

Ronika’s Research

  • Event type: collect items
  • Start location: Varanas City
  • Event location: everywhere in Taborea
  • Event target: help Ronika to collect

Flea Market

  • Event type: collect /get items changed for other items
  • Start location: Dalanis City
  • Event location: Dalanis City
  • Event target: Help Nobo Yanag to collect items

A Mission from the Craftsmen

  • Event type: collect items
  • Start location: Varanis City
  • Event location: Varanis City and Silverfall
  • Event Info: 6 Sub Quests

    • Armor Crafter’s Commission
    • Alchemist’s Commission
    • Blacksmith’s Commission
    • Carpenter’s Commission
    • Cook’s Commission
    • Tailor’s Commission

  • Event target: get quest item by killing monsters, collect items
