[Chapter V] New Merchants – New Stats


[Chapter V] New Merchants – New Stats

The list is very long. You can jump directly to the favourite currency by clicking on the links below:

Ancient Mementos
Energy of Justice


Proof of Legend

770 Ancient Mementos TOP

The merchants are located in the Sagthorne Camp in Chrysalia.

A large amount of items can have the same stats.

  • Kulech Wand
  • Kulech Staff
  • Kulech Decapitation Axe
  • Giant Kulech Blade Axe
  • Giant Kulech Sharp Sword
  • Kulech Protection Gauntlets
  • Kulech Black Magic Chain Gloves
  • Kulech Assault Leather Gloves
  • Kulech Shame Gloves
  • Kulech Destruction Gloves
  • Kulech Flight Gloves
  • Kulech Silence Gloves
  • Kulech Protection Belt
  • Kulech Struggle Belt
  • Kulech Precision Belt
  • Kulech Strength Belt
  • Kulech Spirit Belt
  • Kulech Soul Belt
  • Kulech Light Belt
  • Kulech Protection Plate Leggings
  • Kulech Black Magic Chain Leggings
  • Kulech Assault Leather Leggings
  • Kulech Shame Leg Guards
  • Kulech Destruction Leg Guards
  • Kulech Flight Leg Guards
  • Kulech Silence Leg Guards
  • Kulech Protection Cape
  • Kulech Black Magic Cape
  • Kulech Assault Cape
  • Kulech Shame Cape
  • Kulech Destruction Cape
  • Kulech Flight Cape
  • Kulech Silence Cape
  • Kulech Protection Ring
  • Kulech Black Magic Ring
  • Kulech Assault Ring
  • Kulech Shame Ring
  • Kulech Destruction Ring
  • Kulech Flight Ring
  • Kulech Silence Ring
  • Kulech Protection Earrings
  • Kulech Struggle Earrings
  • Kulech Precision Earrings
  • Kulech Strength Earrings
  • Kulech Spirit Earrings
  • Kulech Soul Earrings
  • Kulech Light Earrings

These stats can be on the above listed items:

  • Barbarity of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Wisdom
  • Breakthrough of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 337 Magical Attack
  • Defense of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum MP
  • Forest of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 337 Physical Attack
  • Fragment of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 337 Magical Attack
  • Ice of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum MP
  • Justice of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 337 Magical Attack
  • Lake of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 135 Dexterity
  • Moon of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 877 Maximum MP
  • Mountain of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Strength
  • Obscurity of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum MP
  • Remnants of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum MP
  • Stars of the Remains IX: 742 Defense, 742 Magical Defense
  • Stone of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum MP
  • Strike of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum MP
  • Tide of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 337 Physical Attack
  • Water of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum MP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Woods of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Dexterity

The other lists are much shorter.

  • Savager Shoulder Armor

    • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
    • Protection of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Defense
    • Sun of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Magical Defense
    • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
    • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense


  • Rune Devilsteel Shoulder Guards

    • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Fire of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
    • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
    • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
    • Wind of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Defense


  • Deathmatch Shoulder Guards
  • Hopeless Sigh Shoulder Guards

    • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Heart of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Defense
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
    • Strength of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Magical Defense
    • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
    • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense


  • Doubter's Cape

    • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
    • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Illusion of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Magical Defense
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
    • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
    • Void of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Defense


  • Warmonger's Shoulder Guards

    • Aid of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense
    • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
    • Cold of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Magical Defense
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
    • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
    • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense


210 Energy of Justice


These items are sold by Nolan Otto (37,1/43,2) in Chrysalia.  

  • Savager Shoulder Armor

    • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
    • Protection of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Defense
    • Sun of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Magical Defense
    • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
    • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense


  • Rune Devilsteel Shoulder Guards

    • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Fire of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
    • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
    • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
    • Wind of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Defense


  • Deathmatch Shoulder Guards
  • Hopeless Sigh Shoulder Guards

    • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Heart of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Defense
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
    • Strength of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Magical Defense
    • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
    • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense


  • Doubter's Cape

    • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
    • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Illusion of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Magical Defense
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
    • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
    • Void of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Defense


  • Warmonger's Shoulder Guards

    • Aid of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense
    • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
    • Cold of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Magical Defense
    • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
    • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
    • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
    • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
    • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense

300 Phirius-Shells


Several merchants in Varanas sell these items. They are located next to the bank. 

  • Restraint Plate Rogue Gauntlets
  • Restraint Plate Rogue Leggings
  • Restraint Rogue Belt
  • Restraint Rogue Cape
  • Subversion Plate Rogue Gauntlets
  • Subversion Plate Rogue Leggings
  • Subversion Rogue Belt
  • Subversion Rogue Cape

    • Defense of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum MP
    • Guardian of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Stamina, 337 Physical Attack
    • Guard of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Stamina, 135 Dexterity
    • Protection of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Defense


  • Devourer Chain Rogue Gloves
  • Devourer Chain Rogue Leggings
  • Devourer Rogue Belt
  • Devourer Rogue Cape
  • Crush Chain Rogue Gloves
  • Crush Chain Rogue Leggings
  • Crush Rogue Belt
  • Crush Rogue Cape

    • Assault of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
    • Ability of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Strength, 337 Physical Attack
    • Power of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
    • Fire of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense


  • Aura Leather Rogue Gloves
  • Aura Leather Rogue Pants
  • Aura Rogue Belt
  • Aura Rogue Cape
  • Vengeance Leather Rogue Gloves
  • Vengeance Rogue Leather Pants
  • Vengeance Rogue Belt
  • Vengeance Rogue Cape

    • Transformation of Dragon Wilderness IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
    • Swiftness of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
    • Triumph of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Dexterity, 337 Physical Attack
    • Strength of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Magical Defense


  • Halo Rogue Gloves
  • Halo Rogue Leg Guards
  • Halo Rogue Belt
  • Halo Rogue Cape
  • Wisdom Rogue Gloves
  • Wisdom Rogue Leg Guards
  • Wisdom Rogue Belt
  • Wisdom Rogue Cape

    • Demon of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Intelligence, 337 Magical Attack
    • Void of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Defense
    • Illusion of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Magical Defense
    • Spell of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Stamina


  • Return Rogue Gloves
  • Return Rogue Leg Guards
  • Return Rogue Belt
  • Return Rogue Cape
  • Sacrifice Rogue Gloves
  • Sacrifice Rogue Leg Guards
  • Sacrifice Rogue Belt
  • Sacrifice Rogue Cape

    • Secret of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Wisdom, 337 Magical Attack
    • Skill of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
    • Complement of Dragon Wilderness IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
    • Aid of Dragon Wilderness IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense

Older Items with slightly lower stats are now available for 250 or 200 Phirius Shells, their price has been reduced.

Unfortunately, the level67 items with "Crimson" stats – the first shell items the game had – have been discontinued and are no longer available through Phirius Shells.

5 Proof of Legend


Edward Wilson (47,1/54,6) in Varanas sells these items.  

  • Judgment of the Truth
  • Wish of the Dead
  • Gaze of Death
  • Trial of Destiny
  • Eternal Hatred
  • Death Knell

    • Safeguard of Eternity IX: 147 Stamina, 367 Physical Attack
    • Detonation of Eternity IX: 147 Strength, 367 Physical Attack
    • Phantom of Eternity IX: 147 Stamina, 147 Dexterity
    • Keeper of Eternity IX: 147 Stamina, 955 Maximum HP
    • Furiousness of Eternity IX: 147 Stamina, 147 Strength
    • Vengeance of Eternity IX: 147 Dexterity, 367 Physical Attack


  • Backlight Embrace
  • Edge of Faith
  • Dark Portal
  • Silent Cry

    • Keeper of Eternity IX: 147 Stamina, 955 Maximum HP
    • Pacification of Eternity IX: 147 Wisdom, 367 Magical Attack
    • Purity of Eternity IX: 147 Stamina, 147 Wisdom
    • Choice of Eternity IX: 147 Stamina, 367 Magical Attack
    • Control of Eternity IX: 147 Intelligence, 367 Magical Attack
    • Potential of Eternity IX: 147 Stamina, 147 Intelligence


  • Sadness Stopper Belt
  • Absolute Justice Shoulder Armor
  • Triumph Song Leg Guards
  • Road of Blood Belt
  • Confrontation Battlefront Shoulder Armor
  • Clue of Discord Leg Armor
  • Key Insight Leather Belt
  • Tracker Shoulder Armor

    • Vengeance of the Remains IX: 150 Dexterity, 375 Physical Attack
    • Detonation of the Remains IX: 150 Strength, 375 Physical Attack
    • Keeper of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 975 Maximum HP
    • Furiousness of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 150 Strength
    • Hallucination of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 150 Dexterity
    • Safeguard of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 375 Physical Attack


  • Victory Vow Long Pants
  • Action Pioneer Cloth Belt
  • Dust Fury Shoulder Guards
  • Headwind Adventure Long Pants
  • Story Corner Cloth Belt
  • Stray Poet Shoulder Guards

    • Choice of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 375 Magical Attack
    • Promise of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 150 Intelligence
    • Control of the Remains IX: 150 Intelligence, 375 Magical Attack
    • Keeper of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 975 Maximum HP
    • Sanctity of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 150 Wisdom
    • Pacification of the Remains IX: 150 Wisdom, 375 Magical Attack
