[Chapter V] Boss drops Kulech Bones Nest


[Chapter V] Boss drops Kulech Bones Nest

The bosses in the different modes of the instance have equal and different drops. First we list the equal ones and then the different drops. The variable stats have their own block to keep the news at least a bit shorter. You can jump directly to the mode you'd like to see by clicking on the links.

Easy Mode:

Andoneo (6 Ancient Mementos)
Giant Flesh Maggot (8 Ancient Mementos)
Assimilated Shetamb (11 Ancient Mementos)
Kulech Queen Bodana (14 Ancient Mementos)
New Myrmex Queen Balenq (16 Ancient Mementos)

Normal Mode:

Andoneo (36 Ancient Mementos)
Giant Flesh Maggot (39 Ancient Mementos)
Assimilated Shetamb (44 Ancient Mementos)
Kulech Queen Bodana (48 Ancient Mementos)
New Myrmex Queen Balenq (53 Ancient Mementos)

Hard Mode:

Andoneo (56 Ancient Mementos)
Giant Flesh Maggot (61 Ancient Mementos)
Assimilated Shetamb (65 Ancient Mementos)
Kulech Queen Bodana (70 Ancient Mementos)
New Myrmex Queen Balenq (76 Ancient Mementos)
Punisher Parts (81 Ancient Mementos)
Shetamb (86 Ancient Mementos)

List of equal drops

Group 1 Materials (only in normal and hard mode):

  • Star of Discord
  • Dark Silver Nail
  • Ruite Metal Stone
  • Ginkgo Fiber

Group 2 Runes:

  • diverse Runes I to IV

Group 3:

  • Mysterious Herb
  • Mysterious Magic Stone
  • 100 Guard's Throwing Knife
  • 100 Obsidian Arrow

Group 4:

  • 100 Power of Soul

Group 5:

  • 100 One-Kill-A-Day

Group 6*:

  • Rare Balanced Giant Sword: Level 74, Art: 2-H Sword, 3810 Damage, 1620 Magical Damage Points, 2184 Physical Attack, 254 Stamina
  • Rare Battlefront Sword: Level 74, Art: Sword, 2497 Damage, 929 Magical Damage Points, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Large Battlefront Axe: Level 74, Art: 2-H Axe, 4354 Damage, 1561 Magical Damage Points, 2184 Physical Attack, 254 Stamina
  • Rare Dragonsleeper's Handaxe: Level 74, Art: Axe, 2997 Damage, 830 Magical Damage Points, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Scourge Hammer: Level 74, Art: 2-H Hammer, 4572 Damage, 1660 Magical Damage Points, 2184 Physical Attack, 254 Stamina
  • Rare Balanced Small Hammer: Level 74, Art: 1-H Hammer, 2713 Damage, 1027 Magical Damage Points, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Scourge Bow: Level 74, Art: Bow, 2368 Damage, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Dragonsleeper's Crossbow: Level 74, Art: Crossbow, 2868 Damage, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Battlefront Dagger: Level 74, Art: Dagger, 1938 Damage, 1027 Magical Damage Points, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Scourge Cane: Level 74, Art: Wand, 999 Damage, 2048 Magical Damage Points, 1092 Magical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Balanced Staff: Level 74, Art: Staff, 2007 Damage, 2733 Magical Damage Points, 2184 Magical Attack, 254 Stamina

Group 7*:

  • Rare Battlefront Plate Armor: Level 74, Art:Plate, Position: Upper Body, 3694 Defense, 2099 Magical Defense, 2464 Maximum HP, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Battlefront Pants: Level 74, Art:Plate, Position: Lower Body, 3062 Defense, 1657 Magical Defense, 2156 Maximum HP, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Battlefront Shoulder Armor: Level 74, Art:Plate, Position: Shoulders, 2588 Defense, 1326 Magical Defense, 1848 Maximum HP, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Dragonsleeper Chain Armor: Level 74, Art:Chain, Position: Upper Body, 3162 Defense, 2631 Magical Defense, 1971 Maximum HP, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Dragonsleeper Pants: Level 74, Art:Chain, Position: Lower Body, 2594 Defense, 2125 Magical Defense, 1724 Maximum HP, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Dragonsleeper Shoulder Armor: Level 74, Art:Chain, Position: Shoulders, 2167 Defense, 1746 Magical Defense, 1478 Maximum HP, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Scourge Leather Armor: Level 74, Art:Leather, Position: Upper Body, 2631 Defense, 3162 Magical Defense, 1724 Maximum HP, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Scourge Pants: Level 74, Art:Leather, Position: Lower Body, 2125 Defense, 2594 Magical Defense, 1509 Maximum HP, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Scourge Shoulder Guards: Level 74, Art:Leather, Position: Shoulders, 1746 Defense, 2167 Magical Defense, 1293 Maximum HP, 1092 Physical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Balanced Cloth: Level 74, Art:Cloth, Position: Upper Body, 2099 Defense, 3694 Magical Defense, 1108 Maximum HP, 1092 Magical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Balanced Pants: Level 74, Art:Cloth, Position: Lower Body, 1657 Defense, 3062 Magical Defense, 970 Maximum HP, 1092 Magical Attack, 127 Stamina
  • Rare Balanced Armor: Level 74, Art:Cloth, Position: Shoulders, 1326 Defense, 2588 Magical Defense, 831 Maximum HP, 1092 Magical Attack, 127 Stamina

*All Items of group 6 and 7 can have one of the following stats:

  • Reflex X: 114 Dexterity, 627 Defense
  • Fox X: 114 Dexterity, 114 Intelligence
  • Agility X: 114 Dexterity, 627 Magical Defense
  • Observance X: 114 Dexterity, 741 Maximum HP
  • Speed X: 114 Dexterity, 741 Maximum MP
  • Fang X: 114 Dexterity, 285 Physical Attack
  • Precision X: 114 Dexterity, 114 Wisdom
  • Blur X: 114 Intelligence, 627 Defense
  • Illumine X: 114 Intelligence, 285 Magical Attack
  • Illusion X: 114 Intelligence, 627 Magical Defense
  • Scholar X: 114 Intelligence, 741 Maximum HP
  • Grimoire X: 114 Intelligence, 741 Maximum MP
  • Expansion X: 114 Intelligence, 285 Physical Attack
  • Elder X: 114 Intelligence, 114 Stamina
  • Genius X: 114 Intelligence, 114 Wisdom
  • Authority X: 114 Stamina, 627 Defense
  • Force X: 114 Stamina, 114 Dexterity
  • Thunder X: 114 Stamina, 285 Magical Attack
  • Rigor X: 114 Stamina, 627 Magical Defense
  • Seclusion X: 114 Stamina, 741 Maximum HP
  • Massif X: 114 Stamina, 741 Maximum MP
  • Oppression X: 114 Stamina, 285 Physical Attack
  • Monk X: 114 Stamina, 114 Wisdom
  • Defender X: 114 Strength, 627 Defense
  • Cougar X: 114 Strength, 114 Dexterity
  • Morale X: 114 Strength, 114 Intelligence
  • Rage X: 114 Strength, 285 Magical Attack
  • Paladin X: 114 Strength, 627 Magical Defense
  • Hammer X: 114 Strength, 741 Maximum HP
  • Ferocity X: 114 Strength, 741 Maximum MP
  • Barbarian X: 114 Strength, 285 Physical Attack
  • Savage X: 114 Strength, 114 Stamina
  • Soul X: 114 Wisdom, 627 Defense
  • Devour X: 114 Wisdom, 285 Magical Attack
  • Ray X: 114 Wisdom, 627 Magical Defense
  • Lumen X: 114 Wisdom, 741 Maximum HP
  • Sage X: 114 Wisdom, 741 Maximum MP
  • Ire X: 114 Wisdom, 285 Physical Attack
  • Nimble X: 114 Wisdom, 114 Strength

Easy Mode


  • Murderous Shoulder Armor: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Shoulders, 3209 Defense, 1640 Magical Defense, 2088 Maximum HP, 202 Parry Rate, 282 Dodge
    Stats 1 
  • Light Devilsteel Leg Armor: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Feet, 2726 Defense, 2199 Magical Defense, 1670 Maximum HP, 262 Accuracy, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate
    Stats 2
  • Combat Helmet: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Head, 2341 Defense, 2887 Magical Defense, 1705 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Dexterity
    Stats 3 
  • Suspect Cape: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Shoulders, 1640 Defense, 3209 Magical Defense, 939 Maximum HP, 202 Wisdom, 262 Magical Accuracy
    Stats 4 

Giant Flesh Maggot

  • Murderous Mandible: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Head, 3432 Defense, 1796 Magical Defense, 2436 Maximum HP, 202 Parry Rate, 262 Accuracy
    Stats 1
  • Light Devilsteel Helmet: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Head, 2887 Defense, 2341 Magical Defense, 1948 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 262 Accuracy
    Stats 2 
  • Soulless Shoulder Guards: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Shoulders, 2163 Defense, 2686 Magical Defense, 1461 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 262 Accuracy
    Stats 3
  • Fierce Longboots: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Feet, 1671 Defense, 3253 Magical Defense, 939 Maximum HP, 808 Healing Power Increase Points, 202 Wisdom
    Stats 5 

Assimilated Shetamb

  • Murderous War Boots: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Feet, 3253 Defense, 1671 Magical Defense, 2088 Maximum HP, 202 Parry Rate, 141 Stamina
    Stats 1 
  • Combat Shoulder Guards: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Shoulders, 2163 Defense, 2686 Magical Defense, 1461 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 262 Accuracy
    Stats 2 
  • Soulless Longboots: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Feet, 2199 Defense, 2726 Magical Defense, 1461 Maximum HP, 262 Accuracy, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 3 
  • Suspect Hood: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Head, 1796 Defense, 3432 Magical Defense, 1096 Maximum HP, 202 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 262 Magical Accuracy
    Stats 3 
  • Fierce Shoulder Guards: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Shoulders, 1640 Defense, 3209 Magical Defense, 939 Maximum HP, 808 Healing Power Increase Points, 202 Wisdom
    Stats 5 

Kulech Queen Bodana

  • Light Devilsteel Shoulder Guards: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Shoulders, 2686 Defense, 2163 Magical Defense, 1670 Maximum HP, 262 Accuracy, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 2 
  • Combat Longboots: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Feet, 2199 Defense, 2726 Magical Defense, 1461 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 262 Accuracy
    Stats 3 
  • Soulless Helmet: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Head, 2341 Defense, 2887 Magical Defense, 1705 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 262 Accuracy
    Stats 3 
  • Suspect Soft Boots: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Feet, 1671 Defense, 3253 Magical Defense, 939 Maximum HP, 202 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 1212 Magical Attack
    Stats 4 
  • Fierce Helmet: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Head, 1796 Defense, 3432 Magical Defense, 1096 Maximum HP, 202 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 262 Magical Accuracy
    Stats 5 

New Myrmex Queen Balenq

  • Murderous Chest Plate: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Upper Body, 4458 Defense, 2515 Magical Defense, 2784 Maximum HP, 282 Dodge, 262 Accuracy
    Stats 6 
  • Light Devilsteel Armor: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Upper Body, 3811 Defense, 3163 Magical Defense, 2227 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Strength
    Stats 7 
  • Combat Armor: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Upper Body, 3163 Defense, 3811 Magical Defense, 1948 Maximum HP, 262 Accuracy, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 8 
  • Soulless Armor: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Upper Body, 3163 Defense, 3811 Magical Defense, 1948 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Dexterity
    Stats 8 
  • Suspect Robe: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Upper Body, 2515 Defense, 4458 Magical Defense, 1252 Maximum HP, 202 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Intelligence
    Stats 9 
  • Fierce Armor: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Upper Body, 2515 Defense, 4458 Magical Defense, 1252 Maximum HP, 1212 Magical Attack, 262 Magical Accuracy
    Stats 10 

Stats in Easy Mode:

Stats 1:

  • Protection of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Defense
  • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Aid of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense
  • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
  • Cold of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sun of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 2:

  • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
  • Fire of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
  • Wind of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Defense
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Aid of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense
  • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
  • Cold of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 3:

  • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
  • Strength of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Magical Defense
  • Heart of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Defense
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Aid of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense
  • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
  • Cold of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 4:

  • Void of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Defense
  • Illusion of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Magical Defense
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Aid of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense
  • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
  • Cold of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 5:

  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Aid of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense
  • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
  • Cold of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 6:

  • Protection of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Defense
  • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sun of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Magical Defense
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 7:

  • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
  • Fire of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Wind of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Defense
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 8:

  • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Strength of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Magical Defense
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Heart of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Defense
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 9:

  • Void of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Defense
  • Illusion of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Magical Defense
  • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
  • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
  • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense

Stats 10:

  • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
  • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Aid of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense
  • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
  • Cold of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
  • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense

Normal Mode


  • Blood Hunter: Level 75, Type: Sword, Position: 1-H, 3001 Damage, 1143 Magical Damage Points, 202 Strength, 141 Stamina
    Stats 1 
  • No Return: Level 75, Type: 1-H Hammer, Position: 1-H, 3650 Damage, 1255 Magical Damage Points, 202 Parry Rate, 141 Stamina
    Stats 1 
  • Savager's Warboots: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Feet, 3253 Defense, 1671 Magical Defense, 2088 Maximum HP, 202 Parry Rate, 141 Stamina
    Stats 1, Savage Set 
  • Rune Devilsteel Leg Armor: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Feet, 2726 Defense, 2199 Magical Defense, 1670 Maximum HP, 262 Accuracy, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 2, Punishment Rune Series 
  • Deathmatch Shoulder Guards: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Shoulders, 2163 Defense, 2686 Magical Defense, 1461 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 3, Deathmatch Set 
  • Doubter's Cape: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Shoulders, 1640 Defense, 3209 Magical Defense, 939 Maximum HP, 202 Wisdom, 1212 Magical Attack
    Stats 4, Doupter Set 

Giant Flesh Maggot

  • Ruler of All Creatures: Level 75, Type: 2-H Hammer, Position: 2-H, 4325 Damage, 2063 Magical Damage Points, 404 Dexterity, 2424 Physical Attack
    Stats 1
  • Heaven's Envoy Staff: Level 75, Type: Staff, Position: 2-H, 2450 Damage, 3011 Magical Damage Points, 1616 Healing Power Increase Points, 404 Wisdom
    Stats 2
  • Deathmatch Helmet: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Head, 2341 Defense, 2887 Magical Defense, 1705 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Dexterity
    Stats 2, Deathmatch Set
  • Hopeless Sigh Shoulder Guards: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Shoulders, 2163 Defense, 2686 Magical Defense, 1461 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 3, Tragiterra
  • Doubter's Light Boots: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Feet, 1671 Defense, 3253 Magical Defense, 939 Maximum HP, 202 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 1212 Magical Attack
    Stats 4, Doubter Set 
  • Warmonger's Shoulder Guards: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Shoulders, 1640 Defense, 3209 Magical Defense, 939 Maximum HP, 808 Healing Power Increase Points, 202 Wisdom
    Stats 4, Warmonger Set 

Assimilated Shetamb

  • Infinite Spiral: Level 75, Type: 2-H Sword, Position: 2-H, 4731 Damage, 2018 Magical Damage Points, 404 Strength, 2424 Physical Attack
    Stats 1 
  • Compound Devilsteel Tool: Level 75, Type: Dagger, Position: 1-H, 2190 Damage, 1255 Magical Damage Points, 202 Dexterity, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 2 
  • Savager Shoulder Armor: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Shoulders, 3209 Defense, 1640 Magical Defense, 2088 Maximum HP, 282 Dodge, 141 Stamina
    Stats 2, Savage Set 
  • Rune Devilsteel Helmet: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Head, 2887 Defense, 2341 Magical Defense, 1948 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 3, Punishment Rune Series 
  • Deathmatch Longboots: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Feet, 2199 Defense, 2726 Magical Defense, 1461 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Dexterity
    Stats 3, Deathmatch Set 
  • Doubter's Hood: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Head, 1796 Defense, 3432 Magical Defense, 1096 Maximum HP, 202 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Intelligence
    Stats 4, Doubter Set 
  • Warmonger's Long Boots: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Feet, 1671 Defense, 3253 Magical Defense, 939 Maximum HP, 808 Healing Power Increase Points, 202 Wisdom
    Stats 5, Warmonger Set 

Kulech Queen Bodana

  • Death Charge: Level 75, Type: Axe, Position: 1-H, 3501 Damage, 1031 Magical Damage Points, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 1 
  • Life-threatening: Level 75, Type: Bow, Position: Ranged Weapon, 3042 Damage, 0 No Effect, 202 Dexterity, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 2 
  • Savager Jaw: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Head, 3432 Defense, 1796 Magical Defense, 2436 Maximum HP, 202 Parry Rate, 202 Strength
    Stats 2, Savage Set 
  • Rune Devilsteel Shoulder Guards: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Shoulders, 2686 Defense, 2163 Magical Defense, 1670 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 3, Punishment Rune Series 
  • Out of Control Helmet: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Head, 2341 Defense, 2887 Magical Defense, 1705 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Dexterity
    Stats 3, Tragiterra 
  • Pointless Return Longboots: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Feet, 2199 Defense, 2726 Magical Defense, 1461 Maximum HP, 262 Accuracy, 202 Dexterity
    Stats 3, Tragiterra 
  • Warmonger's Helmet: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Head, 1796 Defense, 3432 Magical Defense, 1096 Maximum HP, 808 Healing Power Increase Points, 202 Magical Critical Hit Rate
    Stats 5, Warmonger Set 

New Myrmex Queen Balenq

  • Point of Disaster: Level 75, Type: 2-H Axe, Position: 2-H, 5136 Damage, 1951 Magical Damage Points, 404 Strength, 2424 Physical Attack
    Stats 6 
  • Heaven's Wrath Prophecy Staff: Level 75, Type: Staff, Position: 2-H, 2450 Damage, 3401 Magical Damage Points, 404 Intelligence, 2424 Magical Attack
    Stats 7 
  • Savager Chestplate: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Upper Body, 4458 Defense, 2515 Magical Defense, 2784 Maximum HP, 282 Dodge, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 7, Savage Set 
  • Rune Devilsteel Forged Armor: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Upper Body, 3811 Defense, 3163 Magical Defense, 2227 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Strength
    Stats 8, Punishment Rune Series 
  • Deathmatch Armor: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Upper Body, 3163 Defense, 3811 Magical Defense, 1948 Maximum HP, 262 Accuracy, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 8, Deathmatch Set 
  • Tragic Performance Armor: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Upper Body, 3163 Defense, 3811 Magical Defense, 1948 Maximum HP, 202 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1212 Physical Attack
    Stats 9, Tragiterra 
  • Doubter's Robe: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Upper Body, 2515 Defense, 4458 Magical Defense, 1252 Maximum HP, 202 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 202 Intelligence
    Stats 9, Doubter Set 
  • Warmonger's Armor: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Upper Body, 2515 Defense, 4458 Magical Defense, 1252 Maximum HP, 1212 Magical Attack, 202 Magical Critical Hit Rate
    Stats 10, Warmonger Set 

Stats in Normal Mode:

Stats 1:

  • Protection of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Defense
  • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sun of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 742 Magical Defense
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 2:

  • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
  • Fire of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Wind of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Defense
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 3:

  • Power of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Dexterity
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Strength of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Magical Defense
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Heart of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 742 Defense
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense

Stats 4:

  • Void of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Defense
  • Illusion of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 742 Magical Defense
  • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
  • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
  • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense

Stats 5:

  • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
  • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
  • Complement of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Magical Defense
  • Aid of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Defense
  • Chill of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Wisdom
  • Cold of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 742 Magical Defense
  • Mystery of the Remains IX: 877 Maximum HP, 742 Defense
  • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense

Stats 6:

  • Guardian of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 337 Physical Attack
  • Guard of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 135 Dexterity
  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Fury of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Stamina
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense

Stats 7:

  • Guard of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 135 Dexterity
  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Ability of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 337 Physical Attack
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Fury of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Stamina
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense

Stats 8:

  • Guard of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 135 Dexterity
  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Fury of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Stamina
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Triumph of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 337 Physical Attack
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense

Stats 9:

  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Demon of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 337 Magical Attack
  • Spell of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Stamina
  • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
  • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
  • Light of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 337 Magical Attack
  • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense

Stats 10:

  • Destruction of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 135 Wisdom
  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
  • Secret of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 337 Magical Attack
  • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
  • Light of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 337 Magical Attack
  • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense

Sets in Normal Mode:

Savage Set 4 Pieces Type: Plate
2 Pieces: 112 Stamina
3 Pieces: 112 Stamina, 1680 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: 112 Stamina, 1680 Physical Attack, 2160 Maximum HP

Punishment Rune Series 4 Pieces Type: Chain
2 Pieces: 160 Strength
3 Pieces: 160 Strength, 1680 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: 160 Strength, 1680 Physical Attack, 2160 Maximum HP

Deathmatch Set 4 Pieces Type: Leather
2 Pieces: 160 Dexterity
3 Pieces: 160 Dexterity, 1680 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: 160 Dexterity, 1680 Physical Attack, 1200 Maximum HP, 10 % Off-Hand Damage Rate

Tragiterra 4 Pieces Type: Leather
2 Pieces: 160 Dexterity
3 Pieces: 160 Dexterity, 1680 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: 160 Dexterity, 1680 Physical Attack, 2160 Maximum HP

Doubter Set 4 Pieces Type: Cloth
2 Pieces: 160 Intelligence
3 Pieces: 160 Intelligence, 1680 Magical Attack
4 Pieces: 160 Intelligence, 1680 Magical Attack, 2160 Maximum HP

Warmonger Set 4 Pieces Type: Cloth
2 Pieces: 160 Wisdom
3 Pieces: 160 Wisdom, 1680 Magical Attack
4 Pieces: 160 Wisdom, 1680 Magical Attack, 1440 Healing Power Increase Points

Hard Mode

Hard mode gets another block of items in the drop table – 2 purple level75 items drop with each kill; we separated them with an additional empty line.


  • Savager's Cruelty: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Shoulders, 3509 Defense, 1790 Magical Defense, 2328 Maximum HP, 288 Accuracy, 155 Stamina
    Stats 1, Carnage
  • Doubter's Memory: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Shoulders, 1790 Defense, 3509 Magical Defense, 1047 Maximum HP, 222 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 222 Intelligence
    Stats 4, Signal Suspicion
  • Warmonger's Ambush: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Feet, 1821 Defense, 3553 Magical Defense, 1047 Maximum HP, 888 Healing Power Increase Points, 222 Magical Critical Hit Rate
    Stats 5, War Experience


  • Dim Light: Level 75, Type: Dagger, Position: 1-H, 2370 Damage, 1330 Magical Damage Points, 222 Damage, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 3
  • Ancient Rampart: Level 75, Type: Shield, Position: Off-hand, 10752 Defense, 0 No Effect, 0 No Effect, 888 Healing Power Increase Points, 155 Stamina
    Stats 5

Giant Flesh Maggot

  • Rune Radiance Pattern: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Shoulders, 2936 Defense, 2363 Magical Defense, 1862 Maximum HP, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 2, S2 Punishment Rune Series 
  • Deathmatch Satisfaction: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Shoulders, 2363 Defense, 2936 Magical Defense, 1629 Maximum HP, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 222 Dexterity
    Stats 3, Until Death 
  • Doubter's Observation: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Head, 1946 Defense, 3732 Magical Defense, 1222 Maximum HP, 222 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 222 Intelligence
    Stats 4, Signal Suspicion 


  • Messenger of Death: Level 75, Type: 2-H Sword, Position: 2-H, 5081 Damage, 2168 Magical Damage Points, 577 Accuracy, 2664 Physical Attack
    Stats 2 
  • Terrible Omen: Level 75, Type: Bow, Position: Ranged Weapon, 3342 Damage, 0 No Effect, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 3 

Assimilated Shetamb

  • Savager's Foot: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Feet, 3553 Defense, 1821 Magical Defense, 2328 Maximum HP, 222 Parry Rate, 222 Strength
    Stats 1, Carnage 
  • Tragic Loss: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Head, 2541 Defense, 3137 Magical Defense, 1901 Maximum HP, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 3, Sorrowful Sonata 
  • Warmonger's Warning: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Head, 1946 Defense, 3732 Magical Defense, 1222 Maximum HP, 888 Healing Power Increase Points, 222 Wisdom
    Stats 5, War Experience 


  • Worthy Sacrifice: Level 75, Type: 1-H Hammer, Position: 1-H, 3950 Damage, 1330 Magical Damage Points, 222 Parry Rate, 155 Stamina
    Stats 1 
  • The Will to Stop: Level 75, Type: Staff, Position: 2-H, 2600 Damage, 3211 Magical Damage Points, 1776 Healing Power Increase Points, 444 Wisdom
    Stats 5 

Kulech Queen Bodana

  • Rune Pulse Set: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Head, 3137 Defense, 2541 Magical Defense, 2172 Maximum HP, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 2, S2 Punishment Rune Series 
  • Deathmatch Hesitation: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Feet, 2399 Defense, 2976 Magical Defense, 1629 Maximum HP, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 3, Until Death 
  • Mournful Song: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Shoulders, 2363 Defense, 2936 Magical Defense, 1629 Maximum HP, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 3, Sorrowful Sonata 


  • Original Sin: Level 75, Type: Axe, Position: 1-H, 3781 Damage, 1106 Magical Damage Points, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 2 
  • Song of the Miserable End: Level 75, Type: Wand, Position: Main hand, 1406 Damage, 2764 Magical Damage Points, 222 Wisdom, 1332 Magical Attack
    Stats 4 

New Myrmex Queen Balenq

  • Rune Engine: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Feet, 2976 Defense, 2399 Magical Defense, 1862 Maximum HP, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 222 Strength
    Stats 2, S2 Punishment Rune Series 
  • Sorrowful Return: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Feet, 2399 Defense, 2976 Magical Defense, 1629 Maximum HP, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 222 Dexterity
    Stats 3, Sorrowful Sonata 
  • Doubter's Sacrifice: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Feet, 1821 Defense, 3553 Magical Defense, 1047 Maximum HP, 222 Magical Critical Hit Rate, 1332 Magical Attack
    Stats 4, Signal Suspicion 


  • Evil Pioneer: Level 75, Type: Sword, Position: 1-H, 3241 Damage, 1218 Magical Damage Points, 1332 Physical Attack, 155 Stamina
    Stats 5 
  • Catastrophe Survival: Level 75, Type: 2-H Hammer, Position: 2-H, 4645 Damage, 2213 Magical Damage Points, 444 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 2664 Physical Attack
    Stats 1 

Punisher Parts (Tysen)

  • Savager's Mandibles: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Head, 3732 Defense, 1946 Magical Defense, 2716 Maximum HP, 222 Parry Rate, 155 Stamina
    Stats 1, Carnage
  • Deathmatch Breath: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Head, 2541 Defense, 3137 Magical Defense, 1901 Maximum HP, 222 Physical Critical Hit Rate, 222 Dexterity
    Stats 3, Until Death
  • Warmonger's Tribute: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Shoulders, 1790 Defense, 3509 Magical Defense, 1047 Maximum HP, 888 Healing Power Increase Points, 222 Wisdom
    Stats 5, War Experience


  • Destructive Tide 3000: Level 75, Type: Crossbow, Position: Ranged Weapon, 4591 Damage, 0 No Effect, 222 Damage, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 3 
  • True Faith: Level 75, Type: Wand, Position: Main hand, 1406 Damage, 2764 Magical Damage Points, 888 Healing Power Increase Points, 1332 Magical Attack
    Stats 5 
  • Puppet Heart: Level 75, Type: Talisman, Position: Off-hand, 1888 Defense, 9645 Magical Defense, 0 No Effect, 888 Healing Power Increase Points, 222 Wisdom
    Stats 5 


  • Savager's Pillar: Level 75, Type: Plate, Position: Upper Body, 4758 Defense, 2665 Magical Defense, 3104 Maximum HP, 222 Damage, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 6, Carnage 
  • Rune Guardian Core: Level 75, Type: Chain, Position: Upper Body, 4061 Defense, 3363 Magical Defense, 2483 Maximum HP, 222 Damage, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 6, S2 Punishment Rune Series 
  • Deathmatch Banquet: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Upper Body, 3363 Defense, 4061 Magical Defense, 2172 Maximum HP, 222 Damage, 1332 Physical Attack
    Stats 6, Until Death 
  • Tragedy Genesis: Level 75, Type: Leather, Position: Upper Body, 3363 Defense, 4061 Magical Defense, 2172 Maximum HP, 222 Damage, 222 Dexterity
    Stats 6, Sorrowful Sonata 
  • Doubter's Recovery: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Upper Body, 2665 Defense, 4758 Magical Defense, 1396 Maximum HP, 222 Magical Damage Points, 1332 Magical Attack
    Stats 7, Signal Suspicion 
  • Warmonger's Phalanx: Level 75, Type: Cloth, Position: Upper Body, 2665 Defense, 4758 Magical Defense, 1396 Maximum HP, 222 Magical Damage Points, 222 Magical Critical Hit Rate
    Stats 7, War Experience 


  • Global Destruction: Level 75, Type: 2-H Axe, Position: 2-H, 5516 Damage, 2101 Magical Damage Points, 444 Damage, 2664 Physical Attack
    Stats 1 
  • Arbitrator of Fate: Level 75, Type: Staff, Position: 2-H, 2600 Damage, 3651 Magical Damage Points, 444 Intelligence, 2664 Magical Attack
    Stats 3 
  • Protective Screen: Level 75, Type: Shield, Position: Off-hand, 10752 Defense, 0 No Effect, 0 No Effect, 222 Parry Rate, 155 Stamina
    Stats 5 

Stats in Hard Mode

Stats 1:

  • Guardian of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 337 Physical Attack
  • Guard of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 135 Dexterity
  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Fury of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Stamina
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense

Stats 2:

  • Guard of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 135 Dexterity
  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Ability of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 337 Physical Attack
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Fury of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Stamina
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense

Stats 3:

  • Guard of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 135 Dexterity
  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Assault of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 877 Maximum HP
  • Fury of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 135 Stamina
  • Swiftness of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 877 Maximum HP
  • Triumph of the Remains IX: 135 Dexterity, 337 Physical Attack
  • Transformation of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 742 Defense
  • Core of the Remains IX: 337 Physical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Weeds of the Remains IX: 135 Strength, 742 Magical Defense

Stats 4:

  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Demon of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 337 Magical Attack
  • Spell of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 135 Stamina
  • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
  • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
  • Light of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 337 Magical Attack
  • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense

Stats 5:

  • Destruction of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 135 Wisdom
  • Annihilation of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 877 Maximum HP
  • Frost of the Remains IX: 135 Intelligence, 877 Maximum HP
  • Secret of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 337 Magical Attack
  • Skill of the Remains IX: 135 Wisdom, 877 Maximum HP
  • Light of the Remains IX: 135 Stamina, 337 Magical Attack
  • Spirit of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Magical Defense
  • Sea of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 877 Maximum HP
  • Haze of the Remains IX: 337 Magical Attack, 742 Defense

Stats 6:

  • Furiousness of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 150 Strength
  • Hallucination of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 150 Dexterity
  • Detonation of the Remains IX: 150 Strength, 375 Physical Attack
  • Keeper of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 975 Maximum HP
  • Safeguard of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 375 Physical Attack
  • Vengeance of the Remains IX: 150 Dexterity, 375 Physical Attack

Stats 7:

  • Promise of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 150 Intelligence
  • Sanctity of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 150 Wisdom
  • Keeper of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 975 Maximum HP
  • Choice of the Remains IX: 150 Stamina, 375 Magical Attack
  • Control of the Remains IX: 150 Intelligence, 375 Magical Attack
  • Pacification of the Remains IX: 150 Wisdom, 375 Magical Attack

Sets in Hard Mode

Carnage 4 Pieces Type: Plate
2 Pieces: 140 Stamina
3 Pieces: 140 Stamina, 2100 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: 140 Stamina, 2100 Physical Attack, 250 Damage, 280 Dodge

S2 Punishment Rune Series 4 Pieces Type: Chain
2 Pieces: 200 Strength
3 Pieces: 200 Strength, 2100 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: 200 Strength, 2100 Physical Attack, 250 Damage, 200 Physical Critical Hit Rate

Until Death 4 Pieces Type: Leather
2 Pieces: 200 Dexterity
3 Pieces: 200 Dexterity, 2100 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: 200 Dexterity, 2100 Physical Attack, 250 Damage, 10 % Off-Hand Damage Rate

Sorrowful Sonata 4 Pieces Type: Leather
2 Pieces: 200 Dexterity
3 Pieces: 200 Dexterity, 2100 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: 200 Dexterity, 2100 Physical Attack, 250 Damage, 200 Physical Critical Hit Rate

Signal Suspicion 4 Pieces Type: Cloth
2 Pieces: 200 Intelligence
3 Pieces: 200 Intelligence, 2100 Magical Attack
4 Pieces: 200 Intelligence, 2100 Magical Attack, 250 Magical Damage Points, 200 Magical Critical Hit Rate

War Experience 4 Pieces Type: Cloth
2 Pieces: 200 Wisdom
3 Pieces: 200 Wisdom, 2100 Magical Attack
4 Pieces: 200 Wisdom, 2100 Magical Attack, 1800 Healing Power Increase Points
