[Chapter V] 3 new maps


[Chapter V] 3 new maps

Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (click to enlarge)

If we compare this map with the map of the complete new world, we can see that the Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan is located in the left bottom corner. You'll have to play this map anti-clockwise.


Yrvandis Hollows (click to enlarge)

Yrvandis Hollows doesn't seem to be a instance as we expected in our last news. But it looks like that there will be an instance, because we found another one fitting to this map.


The instance Taffrock Southern District (click to enlarge)

There seems to be a short way through the instance. But what will await us in the big rooms? We'll have to wait for it.

Meanwhile there are some quest texts from the new quest areas added. Furthermore we will report in an upcoming news. Only so much in advance: the series "Magical Reconstruction" will be continued with ~ 55 quests. Old friends like Callaway Kalume, Morrok Wallinder, Jill and Loub Ayekin will appear again. But there is also a side trip to Varanas to the NPC Yarandor. The quests are designed for level 70 and 71.

RoM-Welten Team
