New Loading Screen Artworks


New Loading Screen Artworks

Everyone who has already logged into Runes of Magic since the start of Chapter V last week probably already noticed the new loading screens. Now we proudly present exact these wallpapers freshly derived out of the client files in their awesome size of 2048×2048 pixels. Create your own wallpapers or let your creativity loose in any other way. 😉

The first three artworks show Yrvandis Hollows, the new dwarven starting area.

Click to enlarge the pictures!


The other artworks show mobs which have not appeared in game yet. Maybe bosses from future instances? Who knows? Interesting first picture: Will we have to fight Myrmekes (ants) again ?


Just leave us a comment! Pictures are available in our Artwork, also in our Chapter V-Gallery

RoM-Welten Team
