[Chapter V] Overview map with instance locations


[Chapter V] Overview map with instance locations

We already introduced the map of Kingdom of Rorazan in a previous news. Chapter V is being integrated into the clients in lots of small parts and more and more things are slowly being revealed. We've marked eight points of interest that we will explain in this news.

Minimap: Kingdom of Rorazan (Click to enlarge)

Lets look at them in detail. Apart from instance entraces we've found some interesting and funny things.

1. Airship

An airship in the first zone?

Did you read our news "Fliegende Schiffe über Taborea?" [1] (= "Flying ships over Taborea") ? It really looks like the one that was recently introduced in the russian version, but we won't know before Chapter V what it is all about…. the same goes for everything that's not laid out in full detail here. 

[1] Sorry, the news was german-only because it contained only information from the RUSSIAN RoM where such a ship was recently introduced by the publisher. We weren't even able to translate the russian information properly into german. At the bottom of the mentioned german news you'll find a linked interview in russian, good luck if you want to try – and drop us a mail if you succeed. 😉

2. Instance Aeternal Circle

Entrance: Aeternal Circle

In the first zone Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan lies somewhat hidden between trees a big bubble. This is the entrance for "Aeternal Circle", a 6-man instance.

3. Instance Qrich Cadaver Den

Entrance: Qrich Cadaver Dan

This one is also enclosed in a bubble. Qrich has two modes: 6 and 12 players and is in the zone Queslana. The name of that zone and of all following zones has not been translated yet and is subject to change.

4. Sphinx

A Sphinx-Bear … or Bear-Sphinx?

What's that? A Sphinx statue shaped like a bear in the middle of an ice desert. What's its purpose? We don't know it yet.

5. Manga???

A little drawing in the corner

We've found a little manga drawing on the edge of the map. Its out of bounds and does not seem to have a purpose. Funny nontheless.


6. Instance Bedim


Entrance: Bedim

In the far east of  Merdin Tundra is the entrance for the 6-player instance Bedim.

7. Instance Boutman Haunt

Entrance: Boutman Haunt

The instance Boutman Haunt can be found in the northeast of the zone Serbayt Pass. It's a 12-player instance and we have no idea why it is twice on the map (one time fitting in place, and again turned by 90 degrees)


8. Instance Bellatia Fort

Entrance: Bellatia Fort

In the southeast of Zhyro we'll find the fifth instance Bellatia Fort. The groupsize is unknown as of yet.

Regular readers may ask now: Where is "Leviathan Lair"? Answer is: Wailing Fjord. Whait, that one is not on the minimap? Correct! The current Kingdom of Rorazan minimap only shows five zones so far. Nothing except having "Leviathan Lair" – which will be a 12-player instance – is known about the zone yet.The same goes for two more zones, called Xadia Basin and Hurtekke Jungle. In Hurtekke Jungle will be an instance called  Muraifen. As soon as we find some more information about all these zones and instances, you'll find it – of course, here on RoM-Welten!

RoM-Welten Team
