[Chapter V] Classskills Harpsyn and Psyron


[Chapter V] Classskills Harpsyn and Psyron

The first table sections show the primary and general class skills. The class combinations with the corresponding elite skills are listed below. Sadly, one icon has unwaveringly refused to get visible.

Harpsyn – only primary class


Psyron – only primary class

Perplexed 2 Forge 2
Perception Extraction 6 Rune Draw 4
Willpower Blade 6 Rune Pulse 10
Willpower Construct 6 Fearless Blow 16
Severed Consciousness 10 Shield Form 18
Locked Heart 10 Runecraft – Fortify 18
Shield of Solid Mind 14 Rune Energy Influx 20
Sublimation Weave Curse 18 Forge  
Mind Barrier 20 Chain Drive 22
Ruthless Judgment 20 Rune Growth 24
Balance Blow 22 Agitated Whirlpool 26
Ill Will 24 Vacuum Wave 28
Beast's Roar 26 Last Line of Defense 30
Defense Net 28 Imprisonment Pulse 32
Soul Trauma 30 Kinetic Burn 34
Otherworldly Whisper 30 Feedback Defense 36
Knowledge Acquisition 30 Overrule 38
Puzzlement 32 Remodeled Body 38
Calm Paradox 34 Rune Overload 40
Surge of Awareness 36    
Opportune Strike 36    
Saces's Embrace 38    
Life Weave 40    

Harpsyn – general 


Psyron – general

Psychic Arrows  1 Heavy Bash  1
Weakening Curse  1 Electrocution  1
Warp Charge  4 Hammer Weapon Proficiency  4
Pure Soul  8 Energy Influx Strike  6
Soul Pain  12 Finishing Hammer  8
Surge of Malice  16 Runecraft – Diversion  12
Saces's Scorn  20 Runecraft – Solidify  16
    Shock Strike  20

Harpsyn – Warrior


Psyron – Warrior

Psychic Slash 15 Arc Strike 15
Mind-Body Unification 20 Rune Aggregation 20
Vigorous Maneuver 25 Power Slash 25
Breathing Control 30 Determination Rune 30
Mind Transference 35 Eye for an Eye 35
Heart Fence 40 Superior Suppression 40
Consistent Heart Strike 45 Runecraft – Charge 45
Heart Death 50 Enhancement Shield 50

Harpsyn – Rogue


Psyron – Rogue

Soul Poisoned Fang 15 Vicious Attack 15
Soul Hit 20 Shadow Pulse 20
Ready and Waiting 25 Shadow Drive 25
Soul Raid 30 Waiting Game 30
Spirit Revival 35 Sentence Execution 35
Liquidation Suffering 40 Runecraft – Haste 40
End of Thought 45 Disaster Appears 45
Crime and Punishment 50 Death Arrives 50
Harpsyn – Mage Level

Psyron – Mage

Psychic Flash 15 Backlash Armor 15
Flaming Heart Strike 20 Suppression Offensive 20
Warp Flash 25 Endless Rage 25
Focus Building 30 Key Rescue 30
Soul Brand 35 Bloody Experience 35
Saces's Cracking Spell 40 Obstacle Force Field 40
Soul Brand Sting 45 High-Energy Barrier 45
Thinking Overload 50 Rapid Spread 50

Harpsyn – Priest


Psyron – Priest

Healing Fortune 15 not translated 15
not translated 20 Divine Vengeance 20
Ring of Comfort 25 Rune Energy Consecration 25
Psychic Rising Tide 30 Salvation Engraving 30
Mind Shield 35 Way of Frenzy 35
Soul Enlightenment 40 Light Pulse 40
Touch of Faith 45 Suicide Advance 45
Divine Assistance 50 Holy Attack 50
Harpsyn – Psyron Level

Psyron – Harpsyn

Saces's Fury 15 Endless Pulse 15
Mind Rune 20 Rune Siphon 20
Electric Transference 25 Psychic Forge 25
Runecraft – Ingenuity 30 Dark Energy Strike 30
Rune Energy Devotion 35 Indomitable Spirit 35
Imagination Release 40 Heart Collection Rune 40
Saces's Impulse 45 Soul Forge Mystery 45
Psychic Extension 50 Dark Energy Punishment 50


Of course you can also combine other classes with the Psyron or Harpsyn. The following elite skills are available.

Warrior – Harpsyn

Level Warrior – Psyron Level
Rage Blow 15 Wild Slash 15
Psychic Whirlwind 20 Blood Rune Weapon 20
Divine Battle Spirit 25 Bloody Slash 25
Psychic Battle Cry 30 Unbridled Rage 30
Psychic Ghost Step 35 Bloody Battle 35
Spirit-Cracking Blow 40 Fearless Rune 40
Lightning Spell 45 Stifling Attack 45
Spirit Blade Storm 50 Vendetta Blow 50

Rogue – Harpsyn

Level  Rogue – Psyron Level
Dark Soul Barrier 15 Confusion Mechanism 15
Energy Conservation 20 Foot Mechanism 20
Soul Stab 25 Stepping Mechanism 25
Begin When Ready 30 Silent Rune Bomb 30
Dark Soul Precision 35 Pulse Rune Bomb 35
Soul Agility 40 Mechanism Activation Spike 40
Dark Soul Smelt 45 Burying Mechanism 45
Ghostly Strike 50 Nerve Gear 50

Mage – Harpsyn

 Level  Mage – Psyron  Level
Static Resonance 15 Electric Explosion Expertise 15
Industry Fire 20 Brain Shock 20
Lightning Display 25 Electric Current Arc 25
Breath Erase 30 Voltage Seize 30
Elements of Pride 35 Energy Passage 35
Soul Stepping 40 Electrolysis Power 40
Deep Inspiration 45 Electrostatic Charge Expertise 45
Fire Lightning Burst 50 Ion Storm 50

Priest – Harpsyn

 Level  Priest – Psyron  Level
Psychic Passage 15 Infused Light Chain 15
Touch of Revival 20 Heart Rune Energy 20
Prayer of Tribulation 25 Protection Rune Seal 25
Soul Cleansing Ceremony 30 Healing Diamond Light 30
Spirit Jump 35 Diamond Light Activation 35
Spirit Spring 40 Quick Heal 40
Holy Salvation Candle 45 Rune Footstep 45
Spirit Embodiment 50 Beacon of Regeneration 50


