[Chapter IV] New merchants, old money type


[Chapter IV] New merchants, old money type

Because this is a sequel to our previous news, we simply increase the numbers of the merchants. Like before we don't know name or location of them. This is only a short overview without details about armour and weapons, because the list is long enough anyway.

Click to jump directly to the merchant:
Merchant 4 (Resources, buff food)
Merchant 5 (Armour)
Merchant 6 (Weapons)
Merchant 7 (Recipes)

Merchant 4 (Resources, buff food):


Ancient Memento
Nocturnal Lantern Grass Bundle Bag
Janost Cypress Timber Bag
Purple Agate Crystal Sand Bag
Defense Potion Bag
Cleansing Potion Bag
Madness Potion Bag
Rhinoceros Blood
War Insignia
Secret Ritual Manual
Grassland Mix Lunchbox
Fresh Fish Soup Lunchbox
Smoked Salmon Lunchbox
Roast Wolf Leg Lunchbox
Roast Leg of Lamb Lunchbox
Crispy Chicken Drumstick Lunchbox
Charcoal Barbequed Beef Lunchbox
Vegetable Sandwich Lunchbox



Merchant 5 (Armour):

Armour with fixed values, costs: 630 Ancient Mementos, 16,520 gold:

Necklace of Heroic Defense

  • Level: 70, Necklace
  • Sun of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 638 mDef

Necklace of Heroic Assault

  • Level: 70, Necklace
  • Weeds of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 638 mDef

Necklace of Heroic Precision

  • Level: 70, Necklace
  • Mystery of the Hero VIII: 754 HP, 638 Def

Necklace of Heroic Strength

  • Level: 70, Necklace
  • Spirit of the Hero VIII: 290 mAttk, 638 mDef

Necklace of Heroic Ghost

  • Level: 70, Necklace
  • Sea of the Hero VIII: 290 mAttk, 754 HP

Necklace of Heroic Spirit

  • Level: 70, Necklace
  • Light of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 290 mAttk

Necklace of Heroic Aura

  • Level: 70, Necklace
  • Forest of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 290 pAttk

Ring of Demonic Defense

  • Level: 70, Ring
  • Moon of the Hero VIII: 754 HP, 754 MP

Ring of Demonic Black Magic

  • Level: 70, Ring
  • Barbarity of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 116 WIS

Ring of Demonic Assault

  • Level: 70, Ring
  • Justice of the Hero VIII: 116 DEX, 290 mAttk

Ring of Demonic Shame

  • Level: 70, Ring
  • Mountain of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 116 STR

Ring of Demonic Destruction

  • Level: 70, Ring
  • Tide of the Hero VIII: 116 WIS, 290 pAttk

Ring of the Demonic Rise

  • Level: 70, Ring
  • Stone of the Hero VIII: 290 pAttk, 754 MP

Ring of Demonic Silence

  • Level: 70, Ring
  • Water of the Hero VIII: 754 MP, 638 mDef

Armour with fixed values, costs: 630 ancient Mementos, 7,060 gold:

Cloak of Radiant Defense

  • Level: 70, Cape
  • Star of the Hero VIII: 638 Def, 638 mDef

Cloak of Radiant Black Magic

  • Level: 70, Cape
  • Fragment of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 290 mAttk

Cloak of Radiant Assault

  • Level: 70, Cape
  • Strike of the Hero VIII: 116 DEX, 754 MP

Cloak of Radiant Shame

  • Level: 70, Cape
  • Woods of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 116 DEX

Cloak of Radiant Destruction

  • Level: 70, Cape
  • Lake of the Hero VIII: 116 WIS, 116 DEX

Cloak of the Radiant Rise

  • Level: 70, Cape
  • Breakthrough of the Hero VIII: 290 pAttk, 290 mAttk

Cloak of Radiant Silence

  • Level: 70, Cape
  • Spirit of the Hero VIII: 290 mAttk, 638 mDef 

Armour with variable values:

Shoulder Guards of the Unrivaled Shield (Set: Power of Forgiveness)

  • 630 Ancient Mementos, 9,290 gold
  • Guardian of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 290 pAttk
  • Guard of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 116 DEX
  • Protection of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 638 Def
  • Defense of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 754 MP

Shoulder Guards of the Quaking King (Set: Power of Quaking)

  • 630 Ancient Mementos, 8,360 gold
  • Ability of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 290 pAttk
  • Power of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 116 DEX
  • Fire of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 638 mDef
  • Assault of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 754 HP

Shoulder Armor of the Insane Warrior (Set: Roar of the Insane Warrior)
Shoulder Armor of the Night King
(Set: Power of Assassination)

  • 630 Ancient Mementos, 7,430 gold
  • Swiftness of the Hero VIII: 116 DEX, 754 HP
  • Triumph of the Hero VIII: 116 DEX, 290 pAttk
  • Strength of the Hero VIII: 116 DEX, 638 mDef
  • Transformation of the Hero VIII: 290 pAttk, 638 Def

Shoulder Guards of a Thousand Feathers (Set: Power of a Thousand Feathers)

  • 630 Ancient Mementos, 5,580 gold
  • Demon of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 290 mAttk
  • Spell of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 116 STA
  • Void of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 638 Def
  • Illusion of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 638 mDef

Devourer's Shoulder Guards (Set: Devourer Ghost)

  • 630 Ancient Mementos, 5,580 gold
  • Secret of the Hero VIII: 116 WIS, 290 mAttk
  • Skill of the Hero VIII: 116 WIS, 754 HP
  • Complement of the Hero VIII: 754 HP, 638 mDef
  • Aid of the Hero VIII: 116 WIS, 638 Def

Merchant 6 (Weapons):

Hero's Two-handed Staff

  • Staff, 630 Ancient Mementos, 44600 gold
  • Sun of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 638 mDef

Hero's Beheader

  • Axe, 630 Ancient Mementos, 40140 gold
  • Weeds of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 638 mDef

Hero's Mallet

  • 1-H Hammer, 630 Ancient Mementos, 37170 gold
  • Mystery of the Hero VIII: 754 HP, 638 Def

Hero's Hacking Axe

  • Axe, 630 Ancient Mementos, 40140 gold
  • Spirit of the Hero VIII: 290 mAttk, 638 mDef

Hero's Mallet

  • 1-H Hammer, 630 Ancient Mementos, 37170 gold
  • Sea of the Hero VIII: 290 mAttk, 754 HP

Hero's Hand Axe

  • Axe, 630 Ancient Mementos, 40140 gold
  • Light of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 290 mAttk

Hero's Giant Bladed Axe

  • 2-H Axe, 630 Ancient Mementos, 56500 gold
  • Forest of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 290 pAttk

Hero's Blade

  • Sword, 630 Ancient Mementos, 35680 gold
  • Breakthrough of the Hero VIII: 290 pAttk, 290 mAttk

Hero's Sharp Broadsword

  • 2-H Sword, 630 Ancient Mementos, 53530 gold
  • Spirit of the Hero VIII: 290 mAttk, 638 mDef


Merchant 7 (Recipes):

Costs: 180 ancient Mementos, 15,000 gold

As the ingredients are not listed at Runesdatabase, you can see them here.

War Helm

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Purify Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Armor Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Dark Planet Stone

War Armor

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Purify Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Armor Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Dark Planet Stone

War Leg Guards

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Purify Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Armor Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Dark Planet Stone

Resistance Helm

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Purify Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Armor Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Dark Planet Stone

Resistance Chain Armor

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Purify Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Armor Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Dark Planet Stone

Resistance Leggings

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Purify Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Armor Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Dark Planet Stone

Deficient Leather Hat

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Purify Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Armor Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Dark Planet Stone

Deficient Leather Armor

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Purify Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Armor Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Dark Planet Stone

Deficient Leather Leggings

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Purify Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Armor Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Dark Planet Stone

Rupturing Headgear

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 1 Disenchant Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Tailoring Chest
  • 1 Aeontree Plank
  • 1 Palm Fiber

Rupturing Robe

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 1 Disenchant Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Tailoring Chest
  • 1 Aeontree Plank
  • 1 Palm Fiber

Rupturing Leggings

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 1 Disenchant Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Tailoring Chest
  • 1 Aeontree Plank
  • 1 Palm Fiber

Campaign Cloak

  • 1 Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract
  • 3 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 1 Disenchant Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Tailoring Chest
  • 1 Aeontree Plank
  • 1 Palm Fiber

Large Shield of Warding

  • 1 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Frost Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Iron Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Sigma Metal Stone

Fracturing Staff

  • 1 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 3 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 1 Link Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Wooden Chest
  • 1 Aeontree Plank
  • 1 White Iron Nail

Broadsword of Invasion

  • 1 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Frost Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Iron Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Sigma Metal Stone

Short Sword of Defiance

  • 1 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Frost Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Iron Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Sigma Metal Stone

Huge Axe of Invasion

  • 1 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Frost Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Iron Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Sigma Metal Stone

Axe of Defiance

  • 1 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Frost Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Iron Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Sigma Metal Stone

Hammer of Destruction

  • 1 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Frost Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Iron Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Sigma Metal Stone

Small Hammer of Cunning

  • 1 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Frost Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Iron Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Sigma Metal Stone

Dagger of Invasion

  • 1 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 3 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 1 Frost Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Iron Chest
  • 1 Mica Ingot
  • 1 Sigma Metal Stone

Bow of Invasion

  • 1 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 3 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 1 Link Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Wooden Chest
  • 1 Aeontree Plank
  • 1 White Iron Nail

Staff of Wandering

  • 1 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 3 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 1 Link Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Wooden Chest
  • 1 Aeontree Plank
  • 1 White Iron Nail

Crossbow of Cunning

  • 1 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 3 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 1 Link Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Wooden Chest
  • 1 Aeontree Plank
  • 1 White Iron Nail

Wand of Destruction

  • 1 Purple Agate Crystal Ingot
  • 3 Janost Cypress Plank
  • 1 Link Rune
  • 1 Fine Perfect Adept's Wooden Chest
  • 1 Aeontree Plank
  • 1 White Iron Nail


We hope, you enjoy this "short" list. We'll keep you informed, if we find new interesting details about future content of Rones of Magic

RoM-Welten Team
