[Chapter IV] New merchants, new money type


[Chapter IV] New merchants, new money type

New merchants, new money type and as if that's not enough, we will also get a new type of quest. Yet we can't say, if these three innovations are related.

Next to the yellow and blue questmarkers we will soon find new ones on the map and minimap, which are pink . The reward for those quests are so called "Public Event Points" . There are currently 95 quests, where you can get between 50 and 200 Public Event Points. We don't list the quests here, which are all located in Tergothen Bay. Some of them are repeatable, but we don't know, if they work like normal dailies or only one time a day. The following comment can be found about the Public Event Points:

Points accumulated from regional events. After an event resets itself, these points are set to zero. Points are also reset to zero in the case that the player leaves the event region.

Maybe you're more interested in the new merchants. Names and locations are still unknown, but we can tell you some details about their goods and list them in this "short" overview. We can't say, if the Public Event Points are the new money type. Maybe they are not related in any way. Therefor we prefer to talk about (new money type) here.

Merchant 1:

Armour costs: 210 (new money type), 10.000 gold

Shoulder Guards of the Unrivaled Shield (Set: Power of Forgiveness)

  • Guardian of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 290 pAttk
  • Guard of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 116 DEX
  • Protection of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 638 Def
  • Defense of the Hero VIII: 116 STA, 754 MP

Shoulder Guards of the Quaking King (Set: Power of Quaking)

  • Ability of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 290 pAttk
  • Power of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 116 DEX
  • Fire of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 638 mDef
  • Assault of the Hero VIII: 116 STR, 754 HP

Shoulder Armor of the Insane Warrior (Set: Roar of the Insane Warrior)
Shoulder Armor of the Night King
(Set: Power of Assassination)

  • Swiftness of the Hero VIII: 116 DEX, 754 HP
  • Triumph of the Hero VIII: 116 DEX, 290 pAttk
  • Strength of the Hero VIII: 116 DEX, 638 mDef
  • Transformation of the Hero VIII: 290 pAttk, 638 Def

Shoulder Guards of a Thousand Feathers (Set: Power of a Thousand Feathers)

  • Demon of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 290 mAttk
  • Spell of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 116 STA
  • Void of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 638 Def
  • Illusion of the Hero VIII: 116 INT, 638 mDef

Devourer's Shoulder Guards (Set: Devourer Ghost)

  • Secret of the Hero VIII: 116 WIS, 290 mAttk
  • Skill of the Hero VIII: 116 WIS, 754 HP
  • Complement of the Hero VIII: 754 HP, 638 mDef
  • Aid of the Hero VIII: 116 WIS, 638 Def


Merchant 2 und 3 (Number in brackets):

Armour costs: 150 (new money type), 5.000 gold

Heroic Restraint Plate Gauntlets (2)
Heroic Restraint Plate Leggings
Heroic Restraint Belt
Heroic Restraint Cape
Heroic Subversion Plate Gauntlets
Heroic Subversion Plate Leggings
Heroic Subversion Belt
Heroic Subversion Cape

  • Glorious Defense VIII: 116 STA, 290 pAttk
  • Glorious Protection VIII: 116 STA, 116 DEX
  • Glorious Guard VIII: 116 STA, 638 Def
  • Glorious Aegis VIII: 116 STA, 754 MP

Heroic Devourer Chain Gloves (2)
Heroic Devourer Chain Leggings
Heroic Devourer Belt
Heroic Devourer Cape
Heroic Crush Chain Gloves
Heroic Crush Chain Leggings
Heroic Crush Belt
Heroic Crush Cape

  • Glorious Ability VIII: 116 STR, 290 pAttk
  • Glorious Power VIII: 116 STR, 116 DEX
  • Glorious Fire VIII: 116 STR, 638 mDef
  • Glorious Attack VIII: 116 STR, 754 HP

Heroic Aura Leather Gloves (2)
Heroic Aura Leather Pants
Heroic Aura Belt
Heroic Aura Cape
Heroic Vengeance Leather Gloves
Heroic Vengeance Leather Pants
Heroic Vengeance Belt
Heroic Vengeance Cape

  • Glorious Alacrity VIII: 116 DEX, 754 HP
  • Glorious Swiftness VIII: 116 DEX, 290 pAttk
  • Glorious Strength VIII: 116 DEX, 638 mDef
  • Glorious Transformation VIII: 290 pAttk, 638 Def

Heroic Halo Gloves (2)
Heroic Halo Leg Guards
Heroic Halo Belt
Heroic Halo Cape
Heroic Wisdom Gloves
Heroic Wisdom Leg Guards
Heroic Wisdom Belt
Heroic Wisdom Cape

  • Glorious Mysticism VIII: 116 INT, 290 mAttk
  • Glorious Magic VIII: 116 INT, 116 STA
  • Glorious Void VIII: 116 INT, 638 Def
  • Glorious Illusion VIII: 116 INT, 638 mDef

Heroic Return Gloves (2)
Heroic Return Leg Guards
Heroic Return Belt
Heroic Return Cape
Heroic Sacrifice Gloves
Heroic Sacrifice Leg Guards
Heroic Sacrifice Belt
Heroic Sacrifice Cape

  • Glorious Mystery VIII: 116 WIS, 290 mAttk
  • Glorious Divination VIII: 116 WIS, 754 HP
  • Glorious Succor VIII: 754 HP, 638 mDef
  • Glorious Aid VIII: 116 WIS, 638 Def

You will understand, that we can't garantee these informations, because they can change till the release of the Tergothen Bay.

RoM-Welten Team
